Librarian : Mr. Abdul Majeed. E, M. A, LLB, MPhil
Email: librarian@tkmim.ac.in
Phone: 0474 2482465 ext. 114
Faculty-in-charge : Ms. Rinu Jayaprakash, Assistant Professor
Central Library of TIM is an outstanding learning resource center catering to the ever growing information and intellectual requirements of the students, faculty members and researchers. A balanced program on the development of the collection, comprising of hard copy, audio/video, CD-ROM, and other electronic forms of documents is being followed in the library. The central library has one of the finest collections of latest management publications.
TIM Library has two sections: General and Reference. The general section consists of a reading room, magazine section and E-Journal resource access area (fourth floor). Reference section consists of reading area, research section (bound volumes and project reports), book bank, reprographic area, Journal section and the general stack (fifth floor).
The central library has a vast collection of over 17245 books. The books are classified according to the DDC Scheme of Library Classification and follows open access system. The Digital Catalogue (OPAC) of books is available in all the workstations in the LAN.
The central library subscribes to around 95 national and international print journals as well as more than 8000 electronic management journals (DELNET and NDLI), which provides seamless access to millions of journal articles available online offered by 8750+ publishers along with a massive set of e-journals available through the open access initiatives in TIM Library. The informatics group is categorically committed to providing easy, reliable and affordable access to knowledge for the academic community. EBSCO Database is also subscribed.
Library Automation
The Library uses the automation software “KOHA” for its operations; with a fully bar-coded collection and web enabled OPAC service throughout the Campus.
Digital Library
The Digital Library is equipped with multi-media systems with dedicated broadband internet. More than 340 CDs/DVD and other electronic resources in all topics is one of the key facilities in the digital library with which the students & faculty members are exposed to the state-of-the-art technologies in the field of management. Other facilities incorporated to the digital library services includes DELNET, Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC), NDLI, internet facility, smart card based bar-coded transactions, online reservation, cancellation, search facilities of library resources…etc.
TIM is also an Institutional member of National Digital Library, MHRD, Govt of India.
Services provided in the library
- Curriculum Support
- Information Alerts
- Content Management
- Current Awareness Service
- Selective Dissemination of Information
- Special Access Arrangements
- Reference Service
- Open Access system for users
- Book Bank facility
- New arrival alert service
- Library Orientation Classes for users
- Barcode technology for circulation of documents
- Research reference Services
- Reprographic Services
- Web information Services
Library Rules
This section provides information to the members regarding the rules,regulations and special facilities for them.
- Two books shall be issued per student member for a period of five days from the general and text books sections.
- In addition to the above, text books prescribed in the syllabus shall be issued as study materials to the student members for each semester.
- Student members are not allowed to borrow books from the Reference section, Journal Section and Project report sections.
- Core faculty members can avail books from the library as and when necessary.
- Visiting faculty members can avail books from the library with the special permission from the Director.
- A member may not be entitled for borrowing if he/she holds an overdue book.
- A penalty of Rs 10/- per book per day will be charged after due date.
- If the books / journals/ periodicals lost belongs to a set of multi volume books, cost of the entire volume will be recovered from the borrower.
- The instructions of the librarian need to be strictly followed and obeyed.