Welcome to TKM Institute of Management.
TKM Institute of Management (TIM) established in 1995 by the TKM trust, is one of the pioneer management institutes in Kerala. Aligned with the vision “to nurture thought leaders to serve diverse sectors of the economy by igniting a passion for excellence”, TKM Institute of Management has consistently stood for value driven education.
Even though, the world is going through a process of unprecedented transformation, our students are equipped with the right knowledge and skill sets to face the challenges with the support of able, committed and inspiring faculty members.
With our exceptional corporate connect, TIM provides multiple levels of corporate interventions for the students. They also receive global exposure with the International Immersion Program. TIM ventured into the entrepreneurial space, with the setting up of the Incubation center in 2014. Seizing the startup ecosystem in Kerala, TIM provides opportunity to transform business ideas into startup ventures. TIM also ensures social connect with service to the community, leading to a well rounded development of the students.
Our Alumni comprising of thousands of professionals are making significant contribution globally across sectors. With the foundation of exceptional values laid down by the TKM Trust, combined with professional achievements and state of the art infrastructure, TKM Institute of Management aspires to reach greater heights. We welcome you to the TIM family and look forward to building a great future together.
Leading change in the current century is shaped by the rapid technological change that is impacting each one of us. At TIM, we endeavor to provide industrially relevant education in the swiftly transforming world. We strive to ensure that the TIM thinking reflects the current business environment. We attempt to capture the influence of technology on management.
The TIM focus is on imparting knowledge to help the graduate manage matters of career entry and professional growth with ease. We attempt to equip students with qualitative inputs so that the graduate is able to make positive changes in the way businesses are managed and give the employers a sustainable competitive advantage.
The TIM emphasis is on developing leaders shaped through experiential learning. The participant is on to a learning basket of assignments, cases, simulation, summer projects, internships and dialogues with industry managers. At the end of it all, we hope to impart a set of unique competitive strengths that provide an advantage to our graduate and leave the graduate with a strong commitment to professionalism. The TIM MBA seeks to empower the participant through a blend of practice of business with theory on the subject.
At TIM, we believe that the faculty and students are on a collaborative effort to imbibe values, performance oriented aptitude and attitude, commitment, dedication and enthusiasm. It gives me great pleasure to think that the students of TIM would, in a short time, master the art of driving business and perform with passion.
Dr. Veni M. Nair