CACO Training Programme

Launched in the year 2016, the TIM Campus to Corporate (CACO) Training Programme, brings together participants, industry professionals, Alumni, Faculty & Staff for an extensive and comprehensive training specially focusing on participants who have registered for campus placements.

It’s not just academic inputs which goes in making a student successful in life. There are various others aspects of his personality which helps him in achieving what he aspires and desires. Most students have the potential, but lack of right guidance, motivation, mentoring and training makes it difficult for them to reach where they would have otherwise reached easily and early. The inputs which may be required are often in the attitudinal and behavioural areas.

Campus to Corporate Training aids in transitioning from a College to Corporate environment. If the necessary competencies are not developed when they enter a corporate life, the short term and long-term effect on productivity will be significant. The programme focusses to redress these issues and make the participant industry ready.

The TKM IM-Campus to Corporate training is a Professional skills Development program that helps students transition smoothly into corporate life. This session gives tips to students on how to become efficient through learning the basics of corporate communication, managing time, and the mind-set shift that is required when moving from a college to corporate environment. As per the discussions held by the members of the CRC Team, it was decided to organise CACO during every semester from the TIM 25th Batch. The CaCo programme of 29th batch has started with different flagship events on 2024.

Core Objectives


General Inputs

Other necessary arrangements will be affected coordinating with the TKM – IM Office.

Specific Inputs

